Sunday, September 28, 2014


Building on efforts of Richard Welch (Ugandan Water Project), Michael Falcetta (GCC Chemistry Department) and GCCG master gardener Paul Goodman...our new rain barrels are now ready to collect rain!! 

The Possums spent a few hours of their Saturday afternoon free time to complete the construction of the rain barrel stands, install the barrels and place the stands in the education area.  6th grade science students will now begin measuring rainwater collected in the stands and the water will also be used to water garden beds...natural recycling continues!!

These photos show the 'work in progress'...the guys were provided the materials and tools...and they took it from there! Sunny weather and teamwork resulted in an efficient, effective use of time and efforts...along with some shared memories and the reward of homemade cookies!

Friday, September 12, 2014

SEPTEMBER 12, 2014
With the arrival of September and the start of a new school year, Grove City Community Garden's education collaboration with Grove City Middle School kicked off another year of project-based learning!  One hundred & sixty 6th grade students learned some basic information about the Garden program, including some new plans for the coming year!   Then, students visited the garden site and completed a scavenger hunt that encouraged exploration, observation and use of the scientific method!  While the weather wasn't seasonably warm, the rain stayed away and students enjoyed their time in the outdoor classroom.   The photos at the top of this post show produce harvested from the garden.  The photo below shows the top of one of the garden compost bins...almost full to overflowing of rich, organic soil ready to be used in the garden beds when spring 2015 begins...including a new herb garden that will be planted by the 6th grade classes!