Sunday, April 28, 2013

UNITED WAY Day of Caring...

Saturday, April 27 brought sunshine, warm temperatures, Adopt-a-Patch owners and 15+ Grove City College students from Memorial Hall to Grove City Community Garden!   The GCC students arrived and donated 3.5 hours of their time and effort to weed, mow the lawn, and mulch the beds.   Adopt-a-Patch owners gathered together to learn about preparing their beds and getting started with early spring planting.   Potatoes, onions, peas and carrots were planted...and some of our youngest volunteers helped to paint pots for a special fundraiser! Watch for more details later this month!

GCC Memorial Hall Guys after contributing over 50 hours of effort!!
(click photo to enlarge)

Mr. Connelly's (GC Middle School Principal) work crew even contributed five garbage bags of compost material after clearing the beds around the front of the Middle School!

GCCG greatly appreciates United Way's commitment to
 'growing' programs like the Community Garden. 

Friday, April 19, 2013


With the arrival of warm temperatures and spring rain showers, Grove City Community Garden is also waking up from the long winter and preparing for the 2013 "growing" season!  6th grade Science students from Grove City Middle School are investigating composting and organic gardening methods.  GCMS Art Club students contribute their creative talents to the Garden program by making garden patch markers that will add vibrant color and assist volunteers as they maintain the garden patches!   Mrs. Vechnak's class at Hillview Intermediate will be planting a "Flutterby" butterfly garden in their patch, and their amazing butterfly garden mural graces the hallway near their classroom.  

ALL twelve ADOPT-A-PATCH beds were 'adopted' long before April 15thGirl Scout troops, pre-school children, senior citizens and local families will care for their individual garden patches through this collaborative program.   We look forward to sharing more about their experiences during the 2013 season!  

Friends from the community are invited to visit the Garden site on June 1st from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.   The Grand Garden Gathering will kick-off the 2013 season and we'll have some special guests and events help you learn more about the Garden programs.   Keep watching the blog for more details about the Gathering and other programs/events during 2013.

For more information about volunteering or to learn about GCCG's programs, please e-mail us at  We look forward to hearing from you!