Wednesday, November 12, 2014


October 6, 2014:  "SHARING THE HARVEST": 

In the spring semester of 2014, several high school students began designing a mural for the garden shed at the Grove City Community Garden site (rear lot of Grove City Middle School).  The design criteria was simple:  illustrate people working together in the community garden setting.  As you can see from the mural photo above, the results were amazing!

Senior student Tia Selden was the project leader, contributing her skill and creativity by creating a design that captured elements of the community garden (raised beds, garden shed, produce donated to food pantry and fall foliage common to Western PA), while also integrating the popular 'anime' art form.  Tia spent hours perfecting the design in digital format, then worked with fellow student James Black to bring the mural to life.   Community member Roslyn Black contributed her artistic skills and donated hours of her personal time after school and on weekends, sharing her expertise and knowledge with the students, as well as helping to paint the mural.  Grove City Community Garden Education Coordinator (Esther Falcetta) joined the artistic team in late spring.  At the beginning of the 2014-15 school year, Community Art Class students Ashley Parsons, Hailey McGuigan and Sarah Eckenrode contributed their time & talent to complete the mural.  Throughout the entire project, GCHS art teacher Chris Bauer mentored the students and kept the project on task.  It was an excellent project-based, service-learning opportunity and a perfect example of how students can collaborate and contribute to community organizations. 

After over 400 hours (from start to finish), the mural was installed on a typical Western PA fall day...including rain that started just a few minutes prior to the unveiling!  Consider driving by the garden to see the mural and contact Chris Bauer at 724.458.1002 to learn more about the Community Art Class!  WATCH FOR MORE EXCITING NEWS ABOUT NEW PROJECTS...COMING SOON!!

Sunday, September 28, 2014


Building on efforts of Richard Welch (Ugandan Water Project), Michael Falcetta (GCC Chemistry Department) and GCCG master gardener Paul Goodman...our new rain barrels are now ready to collect rain!! 

The Possums spent a few hours of their Saturday afternoon free time to complete the construction of the rain barrel stands, install the barrels and place the stands in the education area.  6th grade science students will now begin measuring rainwater collected in the stands and the water will also be used to water garden beds...natural recycling continues!!

These photos show the 'work in progress'...the guys were provided the materials and tools...and they took it from there! Sunny weather and teamwork resulted in an efficient, effective use of time and efforts...along with some shared memories and the reward of homemade cookies!

Friday, September 12, 2014

SEPTEMBER 12, 2014
With the arrival of September and the start of a new school year, Grove City Community Garden's education collaboration with Grove City Middle School kicked off another year of project-based learning!  One hundred & sixty 6th grade students learned some basic information about the Garden program, including some new plans for the coming year!   Then, students visited the garden site and completed a scavenger hunt that encouraged exploration, observation and use of the scientific method!  While the weather wasn't seasonably warm, the rain stayed away and students enjoyed their time in the outdoor classroom.   The photos at the top of this post show produce harvested from the garden.  The photo below shows the top of one of the garden compost bins...almost full to overflowing of rich, organic soil ready to be used in the garden beds when spring 2015 begins...including a new herb garden that will be planted by the 6th grade classes!    

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Grove City Middle School 6th grade science classes raised over $2200.00 towards a clean water rain barrel system; partnering with Ugandan Water Project (  Grove City Rotary Club and community members contributed the remaining $1300.00 necessary to fund the rain barrel system.

(middle photo) Students volunteer to carry the 40 gallon water jugs...they didn't get very far, but they gave it a good effort! (top right photo) Students receive directions prior to starting their 1 mile Water Walk.  (bottom right photo)  Top fundraiser Ellie Chuzie leads the start of the Water Walk carrying the Ugandan flag.

The Water Walk completed the 2014 educational program partnership between Grove City Community Garden and Grove City Middle School.  Special thanks to the 6th grade teachers...and very special thanks to Ms. Santry for inviting us into her classroom throughout the school year! 

Monday, March 3, 2014


In February 2014, Grove City Middle School Club programs & Grove City Community Garden introduced THE GREEN TEAM...a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) co-curricular club focusing on environmental stewardship.  

For the first session, the six members of the new club enthusiastically participated in making bagel birdfeeders, which were then placed on trees at the garden site behind the middle school.  (The birds quickly devoured these winter treats!)

During the second session, the students took at Tap Water Tour and used LaMotte Science's copper and chlorine test sampling lab experiments to determine the levels in various tap water samples.   They learned about 'safe' levels of chlorine and copper in drinking water, and completed lab write-ups for their scientific journals.

Ahead in March, students will explore LaMotte's Top Soil Tour and use various soil samples to determine the levels of phosphorus.   Students will also report back on the levels of copper in water samples that they took from their homes!

We look forward to the remainder of the year...check back often for updates!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Please note the following dates!
All events take place at the garden site (behind Grove City Middle School parallel to rear parking lot).

APRIL 22, 2014:   
2nd Annual Grand Garden Gathering
and 2014 Earth Day Celebration 
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. 

APRIL 26, 2014:   
United Way Day of Caring
Help us clean up the garden site and prepare for spring planting!
Contact GC United Way for more information about volunteering
9:00 a.m. - Noon

MAY 31, 2014:
Spring Planting Begins!
9:00 a.m. - Noon

JUNE 7, 2014:
Summer Planting Begins!
9:00 a.m. - Noon
SEPTEMBER 13, 2014:
Final Harvest & Winter Preparations
9:00 a.m. - Noon

SEPTEMBER 27, 2014:
Adopt-a-Patch Registration opens for 2015!
contact Paul Goodman at 724.458.8497 x 109


Saturday, June 29, 2013

Early Produce from June 2013!